This romantic comedy, released in 2003, stars Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson.
Live, Laugh, Love: Top three rom-coms
Are you feeling irritable, hopeless or numb? Worried you’ll never find love? Need a little joy? I have just what the doctor ordered: a rom-com. Preferably with a blanket and snacks. Romantic comedies have a perfect blend of comedy, romance and entertaining plots, plus cute wardrobes and characters. However, they’ve gained a reputation as cheesy, trashy and brain-numbing movies. This is only because they are so effective at pleasing audiences that whenever there’s a blockbuster rom-com, 10 more Hallmark copycats are bound to follow. With the ever-growing mountain of movies you could watch, it can be hard to find diamonds in the rough. Luckily for you, I’ve curated a list of the top three romantic comedies to help get you started.