Broken phones, broken dreams:

Lily Roberts, junior


The Kirkwood Call: How did you break your phone?

Lily Roberts: “I fell up some stairs and I fell on top of it and that’s how the front broke. And the back broke because I let Wil Hadler and David Haring throw it around in class and they dropped it. Then when I picked it up I dropped it again and it shattered. Then my lock button broke and I have no idea how that happened.”

TKC: Did you have a case on it?

LR: “Yes, I have like 282,927 cases but they don’t protect it.”

TKC: What was your reaction?

LR: “ I was angry at first when the front broke, but when the back broke I just laughed and didn’t care at all. I was mad because it’s hard to type and see things on my phone.”

TKC: What were your parents’ reactions?

LR: “They just yelled and made me wait a little while before getting a new one. This is the sixth one I’ve broken so they weren’t upset.”