TKC to begin asking for students’ preferred pronouns


De Lila Green

TKC will be updating its editorial policy to allow for the use of preferred pronouns in Call media.

TKC will begin using preferred pronouns. While this is something the publication has allowed intermittently in the past and more frequently lately, TKC will be updating its editorial policy to include asking students for their preferred pronouns during the interview process. This decision to honor preferred pronouns is pursuant to the publication’s existing policies for accommodating students, such as allowing students to use nicknames in TKC media.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law permitting parents or “eligible students” (i.e., students 18 years old or older) to access the student’s educational record(s), amend said record(s), gate-keep the publication of most personally identifiable information on said record(s) and file a complaint with the United States Department of Education. Students younger than 18 years old, though, must defer to their parents if wishing to actualize any of the enumerated permissions above. Since students, however, are not amending educational record(s) when using a preferred pronoun in TKC media, neither FERPA nor any KSD policy prohibits the publication from using the student’s preferred pronoun.

After consulting with the Student Press Law Center (SPLC), TKC will ensure students have supplied express consent regarding the pronouns they’d like used in TKC media. Students of “sound mind” (i.e., understanding the decision they’re making and possessing the ability to evaluate the repercussions of said decision) may opt to use preferred pronouns in spite of parental objection, per SPLC recommendations.