Take this quiz to find out which senior football player matches your personality. (Quinn Millstone)
Take this quiz to find out which senior football player matches your personality.

Quinn Millstone

Turkey Day Quiz: Which senior football player are you?

Take this quiz to find out which senior KHS football player you are the most like.

November 29, 2021

What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?

a. Ham

b. Mashed potatoes

c. Mac and cheese

d. Potato casserole


What is your favorite Turkey Day tradition?

a. Winning the Frisco Bell

b. Pep rally

c. The game

d. Hallway building


What is your favorite thing about Kirkwood?

a. The small-town feel

b. The unique traditions

c. The school spirit

d. The tight-knit community


How would you describe yourself?

a. Outgoing

b. Analytical

c. Flexible

d. Patient


What is the most important part of a team?

a. Unity

b. Trust

c. Teamwork

d. Chemistry

Mostly a’s — Cam Paul

Paul is close friends with many of his teammates and enjoys getting to play for — and keep — the Frisco Bell. Quinn Millstone

Cam Paul plays tight end and defensive lineman for the KHS football team. Being on both sides of the ball makes his playing style “aggressive and elusive.” Besides the game itself, Paul loves the Turkey Day pep rally, when the whole school comes together as the perfect example of united, small-town Kirkwood. Paul is close friends with many of his teammates and enjoys getting to play for — and keep — the Frisco Bell. He is confident Kirkwood will win the Bell this year if they work together and keep the same tactics they’ve used all season.

Mostly b’s — Louis Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh prides this year’s team on having the best brotherhood he’s ever seen and says they have already accomplished many of their season goals. Quinn Millstone

As starting quarterback, Louis Kavanaugh strives to be a strong leader on the team and represent Kirkwood well, an honor he sees as more important than the game itself. He prides this year’s team on having the best brotherhood he’s ever seen and says they have already accomplished many of their season goals. Just as he keeps the team united with good energy, Kavanaugh enjoys coming together and showing school spirit at the Turkey Day pep rally. When he’s not at football practice or hanging out with his teammates, Kavanaugh enjoys fishing, being outdoors and working on his car — a transformed 2003 4Runner.

Mostly c’s — Darius Jones

Jones is a flexible player who is extremely committed to the team. Quinn Millstone

Although he starts as running back or defensive back, Darius Jones can play many different positions on the football field. He is a flexible player who is extremely committed to the team. To Jones, the outcome of the game is less important than the fact that he and his teammates played well together. Along with many Turkey Day traditions, Jones loves participating in Kirkwood’s annual Unified Night Lights game, and his favorite place in Kirkwood is, unsurprisingly, the KHS football field.

Mostly d’s — Adam Gates

One of Gates’ main goals is strengthening the trust and chemistry of the team, which is crucial for gaining momentum during close games. Quinn Millstone

Adam Gates must balance being aggressive on defense and patient on offense as one of the team’s linemen. One of his main goals is strengthening the trust and chemistry of the team, which is crucial for gaining momentum during close games. Gates’ favorite tradition is watching his classmates work hard decorating the school hallways for Turkey Day. Gates is sociable, on and off the field. Many of his teammates are also his closest friends, and he often joins them for the team’s favorite weekly dinner — bacon cheeseburgers with buffalo sauce at Mike Duffy’s.

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