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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Make KHS great again!

Make KHS great again!

Desmond O’Connor, opinions writer January 15, 2025

The first 100 days of a president’s time in office can make or break the rest of the term. FDR’s first two thousand four hundred hours was marked with 76 laws passed through congress, including nine...

The 2024 election is in about a year, and the top candidates are once again President Joe Biden and Former President Donald Trump.

2024 Election: Don’t worry, it’s next year

Ian Reno, managing editor November 11, 2023

*Opinions We haven’t even reached the quadrennial event of corn dog inhalation that is the Iowa caucus, and we already know who our candidates for president will be. A corpse who his own party doesn’t...

Democrats and Republicans squared off on Election Day Tuesday Nov. 3

2020 Missouri election summary

Daniel Tobias, political editor November 5, 2020

As usual, Tuesday after the first Monday in November was a day of celebration for most Missouri Republicans. This election, Democrats were optimistic that conservative incumbents’ handling of the COVID-19...

Game board style design featuring facts about every president. See bottom left for color key. Design by Hayden Davidson, president sketches by Samantha Roth.

Political Issue: Presidential facts

Hayden Davidson, design editor October 22, 2020

The President has had four years to prove himself, and seven months to prevent his people from dying. He has done neither, which is why TKC firmly endorses Joseph Biden Jr. for President of the United States this November. 

Call Ed: Joe knows

TKC Staff October 22, 2020

Casting a vote is not equivalent to marriage. You’re not looking for a long-term partner, where you can afford to have the highest standards when reviewing their basic beliefs, their accomplishments...

2020 is a standout year when it comes to presidential behavior and mishaps.

Presidential personality

Molly Higgins, print editor October 21, 2020

So are you voting for creepy old man number one or number two? Although every election brings candidates’ character into question, 2020 is a standout year when it comes to presidential behavior and mishaps....

It doesn’t matter who you are: If Trump likes what you have to say, he will amplify your message. And he won’t hesitate to use exclamation points. 

Political Issue: Trump: our commander in tweets

Kate Schreiber, features + in-depth editor October 21, 2020

*Opinion “Covfefe.”  One misspelled word in a 12:06 a.m. tweet sent the Twitter world into a storm in May 2017. Many users tried to figure out what it meant. Some suggested it become the name...

KHS students share the pros and cons of 2020 presidential candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Students speak in favor of Biden and Trump

Megan Glasgow, features + in-depth editor October 19, 2020

Republicans are turning against Trump. Art by Laurel Seidensticker

Political Issue: Republicans against Donald Trump

Caroline Steidley, opinions writer October 16, 2020

With so much political activism these past few months, a hot topic of conversation is how the upcoming election will turn out. That being said, Republicans will vote for Donald Trump and Democrats will...

The beliefs and experiences of the vice president are still a mystery to many Americans, but many of Pence's activities in the office have been historic.

Political Issue: In that order

Daniel Tobias, political editor October 12, 2020

Donald Trump was down to just a few choices for his running mate in 2016. He was considering the former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich. Or perhaps it would be New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. And...

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Donald Trump