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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Hot wings challenge with Dr. Havener

Video edited by Olivia Dothage

The 1996 version puts a modern spin on Shakespeare’s classic play, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes.

If you need a good cry…

Elizabeth Niedringhaus, entertainment editor February 3, 2023

Sure, rom-coms are fun to watch, but they also rub in every aspect of the perfect relationship you don’t have. A devoted partner, open communication and trust. Even if you aren’t in a relationship,...

Our Little Haven  provides and emotional health services for children.

Charity Issue: Our little haven

Allie Caffey, entertainment writer December 2, 2022

A child unloved by their mother. A child beaten by someone they should look up to. A child crying alone in a place where they should feel safe. Our Little Haven is a St. Louis charity that helps young...

Max Pritcher, senior, looks to his friends for support during friendly banter.

Photo Gallery: French Club

Elizabeth Riti, photographer October 31, 2022

When it comes to French Club, a lot of students admittedly come for the snacks, but they all stick around for the activities that the officers come up with. On Tuesday, Oct. 18 french club held a Halloween-themed...

Students are going through mobile screen withdrawal. They’re stretching their arms, nearly dislocating their shoulders, attempting to get service.

The better connection

Lila Shepard, managing editor October 5, 2022

*This piece is entirely satirical. Students all around KHS are developing the symptoms — bouncing knees, pale faces, worried expressions and a wandering mind. They are clinging to the windows and...

Emma Frizzell's, art editor, take on favorite comfort movie.

Artists’ take #9: Favorite comfort movie

January 11, 2022

At the start of each TKC cycle, the artists are given a prompt for “Artists’ Take.” This cycle’s prompt is “favorite comfort movie.” “Artists’ Take” is an opportunity for TKC’s artists...

Every day, students walk past these snack and drink-filled machines, but instead of using them, they complain that they are closed during school hours.

Locked up

Elizabeth Niedringhaus, features writer January 5, 2022

This piece is entirely satirical Dear KHS administrators,  Why do you hate us? KHS students want to be able to use the vending machines. Every day, students walk past these snack and drink-filled...

14 months later: Art, art by Laurel Seidensticker.

Top five art visuals of 2021

TKC Staff December 30, 2021

The TKC art staff works throughout the year to create their own individual pieces along with art that enhances TKC's written stories. Here are TKC's top five art pieces of 2021. 14 months later:...

Portrait of KHS senior Meg Bjorkman in vibrant colors, drawn by Merry Schlarman.

Art Gallery: Faces of KHS

TKC followed the theme “Everybody has a story” where staffers highlighted random KHS students. For this prompt art staffers drew portraits of randomly assigned KHS students. The art staff used a spectrum...

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Kirkwood High School student newspaper
Liv Timp