Freshman: Danny O’Leary

Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay
TKC: What are some of your passions and hobbies?
O’Leary: I love cars — I’ve always loved cars ever since I was little. I love music, it is a very important thing in my life. I like running, just being outside and hanging out with my friends. I’m a very passionate person when it comes to my family and friends. They’re very important to me.
TKC: What do you look for in a partner?
O’Leary: I look for someone who is honest, will treat me right and will not screw me over. Obviously, looks matter a little bit. I have to be attracted to you, but it’s not my main focus.
TKC: Describe your ideal first date.
O’Leary: My perfect first date would probably be going out to dinner somewhere and then maybe hanging out after. I’m not that hard to impress.
TKC: What’s a dealbreaker for you in a relationship?
O’Leary: Someone who does a lot of drugs and stuff like that — I don’t like that stuff.
TKC: Who’s your celebrity crush?
O’Leary: I’m gay, but I like Taylor Swift. I will always like Taylor Swift.
TKC: What are your 2021 Valentine’s Day plans?
O’Leary: I was going to go out with my friend on Valentine’s Day, but we already went because it was booked. So I’m probably just going to hang out with my friends.
TKC: If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be?
O’Leary: A lot. That’s two words.