Kirkwood High School student newspaper

Coco Legrand

One thing I have learned over the past 17 years is I’m really bad at making decisions.

Kinley Bokermann

University of Arkansas


One thing I have learned over the past 17 years is I’m really bad at making decisions. To make matters harder, once my hardcore perfectionism sets in, I’m even worse at sticking with them. Ever since I was little, every situation has been pre-planned in my head. If situations don’t align perfectly with my vision, I quit and do anything to make sure people don’t see me mess up. In first grade, I quit learning how to play the guitar after two lessons because I wasn’t Taylor Swift. If I’m not first I’m last and if I’m not 100% set on what I’m doing, then why continue?

Joining TKC is something I was unsure of; in fact, I actually wanted to be a designer for Pioneer. Going into freshman year, I didn’t know the word journalism or that school newspapers even existed, but one thing I did know is TKC wasn’t known for having the coolest bunch of high schoolers. I was so scared people would find out I was on Call to the point that I’m not even sure my best friend knew I was on staff my first year. Call was something I took a chance on. My god am I glad I did. This program has left me with some of the best friends, lessons, experiences and memories I never would have imagined. What I found in TKC is confidence.

Throughout my life I’ve always struggled with wanting to be different, wanting to do my own thing and stray from the path that my mind has always made for me. It’s why just a month ago I was crying on the floor of a Super 8 hotel with my face next to a hairball so courteously left by the last person on the floor, because I thought I wanted to go to Mississippi State until I couldn’t spell it right and decided to go to Arkansas. You may never know if your decision was the right decision, and it’s okay to not know what you are doing, but any decision you make must be met with confidence in yourself and your ability to succeed. One thing my coach told me freshman year is “Girl you need a little more of something and that starts with c and ends in -onfidence.” And that has stuck with me ever since.

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