Freshmen prepare for finals during Cocoa and Cram


Freshmen crowded into the cafeteria on Monday, Dec. 16 for Cocoa and Cram, a chance to study for finals with the help of teachers and some hot chocolate.

“If I go home, I’m not going to study,” Ava Godsy, freshman, said. “So I just needed the extra push and decided to come. Plus the teachers are here, so I think that will help a ton.”

Freshmen finals are generally weighted at roughly 10 percent of students’ overall semester grades.

“I’m just really worried about French,” Amber Cline, freshman, said. “I don’t think my other finals are going to be too stressful. It’s not that big a percentage of our grades yet. I’ll be worried when I’m a senior and they count for a lot.”

LINK Crew student leaders were also present to answer questions and give advice to freshmen.

“I sat at an English table and not a math or science table so that I’m actually able to help,” Becca Comfort, senior LINK Crew member, said. “My advice to freshmen will be that finals are not the end of the world. Relax. Trust that you know it.”

Freshman physics teacher James Cibulka believes Cocoa and Cram prepares students for future years of final exams.

“Cocoa and Cram is probably more attitudinal,” Cibulka said. “It gives freshmen the idea that this is a big deal and they should be treating finals seriously. There’s always some help and last minute questions over this and that. But more than that, it shows that we value this.”