Age of adulthood

Merry Schlarman

Adulthood is not determined by our age, but when we learn to mature.

Becoming a grown-up is more than a special birthday that determines when you’ve crossed over into adulthood. I mean, I’ve met an 8-year-old who is more mature than a 24-year-old “adult.” We don’t just magically transform into the wise mature person we aspire to be overnight. That only happens in Disney movies. 

If you dig a little deeper, you’ll realize that everyone truly becomes an adult at their own time. It’s not determined by a milestone birthday, but when you adapt to the qualities you’ll need for the rest of your life. 

Adult traits have a wide scale range. They can include someone who has a job or lives on their own. While some of these aspects come with experience, others require a specific age. At 18, you can get a tattoo, vote and even join the military. You’re telling me I could give up my life for my country, but not drink a beer? I can drive a car, but not rent one until 21? Just because I’m old enough to smoke a cigarette, does that really mean I’m fully an adult?

The girl who grew up too fast

Drew Barrymore, American actress, filed for emancipation at the age of 14. She did not have a healthy relationship with her mother, and it was recommended that she separate herself from her parents. Barrymore became a legal adult four years earlier than the average person does. She explains, “I did not know how to run an apartment at 18, lived in a dangerous neighborhood and was terrified.” Drew was legally an adult, but only 14-years-old. She didn’t know how to act like one and was forced to learn. 

The boy who grew into maturity

Robert Downey Jr., actor, did not act like an adult when he was of legal age. He was introduced to drugs by his father as a child and continued with these habits throughout adulthood eventually getting into trouble with the law. Downey Jr. was arrested many times for bizarre drug influenced behavior. After his time spent in rehab and prison, Downey Jr. fully committed to his recovery. He settled down, got married and started to get more involved with acting. Robert’s life completely changed. He truly became an adult when he learned to take responsibility for his actions, and realized what was more important for his future. He was legally an adult, but didn’t act like one at first. 

The mature teen

JoJo Siwa, actor, singer, dancer and teen entrepreneur launched an extremely successful bow business. She has sold over 80 million “JoJo Bows,” and has an estimated net worth of 14 million dollars. Siwa has accomplished much over the past few years, and is only 18. At her age, she has become more successful than the majority of people ever will. Not only is she financially successful, but has learned many adult qualities throughout her journey. Siwa was not legally an adult during the start of her business, but acted like one. 

The immature adult

Justin Bieber, Canadian music artist is what many would call an “immature adult.” He’s canceled a concert because someone threw water on the stage and repeatedly been rude towards his fans. Justin has even been labeled as a “bad husband,” because of the paparazzi videos surfacing the internet. Justin is a clear example of a legal adult who doesn’t act like one. 

Society should not have a say in when an adolescent becomes an adult. Clearly not everyone has all grown-up qualities at the age of 18. Some even gain them before. It really depends on the person, and who they are evolving to be. Everybody is different, and reaching full maturity really shouldn’t be attached to the day someone was born. It’s more about when a person is physically, emotionally and mentally prepared to deal with life. An 18th birthday seems completely random, and does not determine the age of adulthood.