Senior column: Laurel Seidensticker


Coco LeGrand

I love clothes. I’m aware that sounds materialistic and stereotypical for a teenage girl to say. But, honestly, fashion is pretty special.

College: Michigan State University 

Major: Mechanical Engineering

I love clothes. I’m aware that sounds materialistic and stereotypical for a teenage girl to say. But, honestly, fashion is pretty special. Often it’s disregarded as trivial, something for stuck-up teenage girls and rich celebrities, but fashion at its core is a form of art and self expression. 

Throughout middle school, I wore the same gray hoodie every day. Like a cartoon character on a TV show, I had my default look. I was scared of looking different. I wanted to break out of the shell of my hoodie, but fitting in felt essential. My fear of being judged overshadowed my desire to wear different outfits, and so my favorite clothes sat in my closet gathering dust.

My fear of being judged overshadowed my desire to wear different outfits, and so my favorite clothes sat in my closet gathering dust.

When I started high school, I saw people using fashion as a form of self-expression for the first time. I felt inspired to go beyond my hoodie, but a fear of judgment still followed me. I stressed over my clothes so much that even when I put together an outfit I liked, I worried so much about the flaws, such as a wrinkle or stain, that I couldn’t appreciate it.

Then, when COVID-19 happened, I no longer had to worry about picking out the perfect outfit. While inconvenient, online school also freed me of my anxieties about my image. I realized I cared too much about what other people thought of my appearance. I found enjoyment and a source of creativity in experimenting with different styles and clothes. One day I could wear leggings and a sweater and the next, a skirt with a chain belt. 

Over the past year, I’ve found a new appreciation for fashion, and instead of clothes being something I stress over, they’re something I cherish. Rather than feeling anxiety like I once did about changing up my appearance, I now use fashion as an extension of myself. The truth is, other people don’t care as much as you think they do. I promise.