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Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

Kirkwood High School student newspaper

The Kirkwood Call

The timeline of restrictions placed on KHS publications this year.

Walking the tightrope: KSD limits KHS Publication’s surveys

Mia Intagliata, editor-in-chief January 14, 2025

Eighteen months ago, controversy struck Pioneer yearbook when a group of concerned parents from the Kirkwood community went after high school journalists for publishing controversial pages discussing casual...

Charity Issue: Building brighter futures

Charity Issue: Building brighter futures

Emily Evans, opinions editor January 10, 2025

Although public school is free, state-funded, significant resource, many people don’t consider the importance of preparation for crucial levels of education like elementary school. Preschool is a large,...

Subs all around the KSD school district have shared what it means to be a substitute teacher.

Ready for action

Nicholas Copeland, editor-in-chief October 10, 2024

As students waltz into their classes, they begin to notice their teacher’s water bottle and laptop aren’t on their desk. They kick their feet back and take in a deep breath, ready for the easiest class...

Photo by Caroline Pearson

BOE discusses market value assets and the facilities master plan

Josie Mottl, web managing editor April 16, 2024

The KSD Board of Education (BOE) met in the former orchestra room at NKMS to discuss market value assets and the facilities master plan Monday, April 15.  During the meeting, BOE members discussed...

83% (54/65) of TKC staffers believe that four-day school weeks are too good to be true and should not be established.

Call Ed: Keep it old school

TKC Staff March 9, 2023

Seventy-two hours of relaxation, 4,320 minutes of spending time with your friends and family, 259,200 seconds of catching up on some much-needed sleep — a three-day weekend would provide this luxury...

The fall 2022 benchmark data showed that seventh and eighth grade literacy had increased.

BOE discusses middle school “strategic plan update” and curriculum changes

Ava McGovern and Bo Maney January 17, 2023

During the KSD Board of Education held a meeting at Keating theater, Jan. 9, the KSD middle schools shared the fall 2022 middle school benchmarks. They showed how there had been a rise in students' math...

In Sept. of 2022, the BOE voted to reduce the incentive plan for retiring teachers by more than half.

BOE cuts incentives for retiring teachers

Khadija Khan, copy editor January 13, 2023

At the beginning of the school year, the Kirkwood Board of Education (BOE) voted to approve KSD's recommendation to reduce the incentive package for retiring teachers. According to the KSD handbook, this...

The BOE discussed elementary benchmark grading among a variety of other topics.

BOE discusses elementary benchmark grading

Owen Backer and Alecia Hinrichsen December 7, 2022

At the KSD Board of Education work session on Dec. 5, benchmark data for the elementary schools. The key takeaways from the benchmark data was that students have been gradually improving. In the reading...

KSD will start teaching about gender expression and sexuality in eighth grade and high school health classes this year.

Kirkwood’s new gender and sexuality health unit

Natalie Bednarski, news writer October 7, 2022

KSD will start teaching about gender expression and sexuality in eighth grade and high school health classes with the goal of spreading inclusion in the 2022-23 school year. Currently, the specific...

According to the American Psychological Association (APA) money is the top reason for Americans to be stressed in 2015

Cashing in on the future

Ian Reno, news writer February 11, 2022

A 2019 article from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch placed Kirkwood second for median salary in the St. Louis area. With competitive pay and above average test scores and graduation rate, KHS was rated the...

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