Political Issue: The accomplishments of MAGA

President Donald Trump made the promise to "Make America Great Again" during his 2016 campaign

Maddy Rehkop

President Donald Trump made the promise to “Make America Great Again” during his 2016 campaign

“Make America Great Again,” MAGA for short, was stated countless times by U.S. President Donald Trump during his 2016 campaign. Trump made this promise to the American people while campaigning, and after winning the election, he has been working to “Make America Great Again.” Here are Trump’s most notable accomplishments from his first term as President of the United States. 



Since taking office, Trump has boasted about the booming economy he has created. He attributes the economic improvement to his focus on creating jobs and tax reform. According to the official White House website, Trump has created 4 million jobs since his election, acquiring positions mainly in manufacturing, mining and construction. The unemployment rate for African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans has also reached an all-time low. In December 2017, Trump signed the largest tax cut and reform package in history, which resulted in lower taxes for businesses and individuals. 



Under the Trump administration, the American healthcare system has undergone many changes, including revisions to the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare. Trump eliminated the Obamacare individual mandate penalty, which fined people who chose not to buy health insurance. He created affordable, short-term healthcare programs that are up to 60% cheaper than Obamacare, and has created guidelines so that hospitals cannot overcharge low income seniors for their medications, according to the White House website.  


COVID-19 Response

A significant challenge Trump has faced during his presidency is the COVID-19 pandemic. In Trump’s Coronavirus Response, one of the first steps he took was banning travel from China to the United States and setting up airport screenings for international travelers entering the United States. His administration has helped create a nationwide testing system that has conducted more than 65 million tests to date and has been working with pharmaceutical companies on creating a safe, effective vaccine to combat COVID-19. Making sure hospitals have ventilators, personal protective equipment (PPE), masks, hand sanitizer and testing supplies has been a focus for Trump as well. The Paycheck Protection Program was also introduced by Trump, which is part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. This program gives loans to small businesses so they can continue paying their employees. 

Foreign Affairs

President Trump has withdrawn from several international deals, including the Paris Climate Agreement, which worked toward fighting climate change. He also pulled out of the Iran Deal, which limited Iran’s use of nuclear weapons and production of uranium. Trump moved the United States Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, removing it from Tel Aviv, where it was located for 52 years. He replaced the United States-Mexico trade deal with the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, an enhancement of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which provides more benefits to American workers. 


International Trade

Throughout Trump’s first term as president, he has taken action to improve trade in the United States, including making an agreement with the European Union to increase U.S. exports. For the first time since 1957, he has made the U.S. a net-natural gas exporter, meaning the U.S. exports more natural gas than they import. Trump has imposed tariffs on China for intellectual property theft, adopting abusive trade practices and on all foreign steel and aluminum. The U.S. has increased coal exports by 60%, according to a Reuters article, and oil production is now at an all-time high.


A sixth branch of the Armed Forces, the Space Force, made to protect U.S. military assets in space, was introduced by President Trump. As reported by the White House, he has secured more than $1.4 trillion in military funding throughout his first term. Under the direction of President Trump, the military has made progress towards defeating the ISIS terrorist group by killing its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.



Even after Trump leaves office, the impact he has made on the judicial system will last for years. He has confirmed 214 federal judges, including 53 federal appeals court judges and two Supreme Court Justices: Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. With the recent passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Trump has nominated a third justice to the Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett, who currently serves on the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. According to Business Insider, by December 2020, Trump will have confirmed 25% of all U.S. federal judges, all of whom have lifetime positions. 

Criminal Justice Reform

President Trump signed the First Step Act into law in 2018, a significant step in reforming the criminal justice system. This act proposes changes to the federal prison system and begins taking steps toward the end of mass incarceration. It also lowers the minimum sentence for drug felonies, expands early-release programs and offers job-training and rehabilitation for convicts. 



Despite a lack of coverage in the media, Trump has taken steps toward enhancing religious freedom. He has signed several laws and executive orders, including the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom law, which promotes free speech and religious liberty. During a meeting at the U.N. General Assembly, he confirmed a U.S. policy that promised $25 million toward protecting religious places of worship, religious sites and relics. 


Over the past four years, President Trump has taken actions to improve the lives of American people. Working to “Make America Great Again,” has been a focus for him and as the upcoming election looms, he hopes his achievements are enough to earn him a second term.