Senior profile: Alpine Shop boys


De Lila Green

Mac Key and Kade Kenter have been working at the Alpine Shop for almost a year.

Mac Key – University of Kansas

Major: Civil Engineering

Kade Kenter – University of Montana

Major: Business Management and Entrepreneurship 

An interest in the outdoors is what helped two seniors find a job in downtown Kirkwood. Located right off Kirkwood Road is the Alpine Shop, where seniors Mac Key and Kade Kenter have been working for almost a year.

“[Key and Kenter] are great employees,” Angie Bono, Alpine Shop manager, said. “They are awesome people to be around, and we are happy to have them.”

A typical shift for Key involves working at the front counter or as an outfitter in the camp department selling camping goods such as backpacks, kayaks and tents. Kenter does most of his work in the footwear department. He helps customers with any footwear problems they might have, organizes products and helps people find what they need.

“I love working at the Alpine Shop,” Kenter said. “Working there has allowed me to learn more about the outdoors.”

I love working at the Alpine Shop. Working there has allowed me to learn more about the outdoors.

— Kade Kenter

Kenter and Key said they have also been able to work in a great working environment as they have benefited through the connections they have made.

“[The workers] all know each other pretty well because some of us go to the same school,” Key said. “Because of this, it makes work a little easier. It makes work a little more laid back.”

Kenter and Key have had some bizarre work stories at the Alpine Shop. One time, Key caught a woman trying to steal clothes.

“We have sensors on our clothing that’s over $100,” Key said. “The sensors trigger the store’s security sound system when someone walks out the door with clothing that has tags on it. The lady was trying to snip off the sensors on a jacket. I got my manager, [and] he told the lady to leave. She was not happy.”

Kenter never had to deal with a customer stealing any products from the shop. However, he has had some odd work experiences fitting people in the footwear department.

“One time someone came into the footwear department with two different sized feet,” Kenter said. “One was a size nine and the other was a size 12. Getting shoes for them was kind of strange and very difficult. There was another person who came in who had no toes. Finding the right shoes for him was a challenge.”

It has been a really fun job to have for a learning experience and I’ve been able to meet a lot of nice people. It has been a good time working at the Alpine Shop.

— Mac Key

Having a job during the school year can be difficult for some students. Key said balancing school work with a job requires a lot of time and effort.

“It’s tough, but it’s absolutely manageable,” Key said. “It does make schooling hard at times, but I have been keeping in touch with my boss a lot. Sometimes I’d tell my boss that I’ll work on a certain day ahead of time, but then I realized that I had some big tests throughout that week I originally thought I could work on. I just have to keep in contact with my boss and teachers to let them know what my schedule is like.”

Kenter and Key believe working at the Alpine Shop has given them a great work experience and a fun time.

“Working at the Alpine Shop has allowed me to expand my knowledge of the outdoors as a whole,” Key said. “Not only that, but it has been a really fun job to have for a learning experience and I’ve been able to meet a lot of nice people. It has been a good time working at the Alpine Shop.”