iPads: use ’em or lose ’em?

iPads: use em or lose em?

It is no surprise to see the horrid misuse of iPads at KHS, especially with today’s society being full of selfies and social media.

Now don’t misunderstand me, I love technology. I would be nowhere without it, much like France would be nowhere without a white flag. That being said, there’s a time and place for iPads, but taking selfies and blaring sketchy rap music in the halls is not one of them.

Selfies. Pictures you take of yourself commonly using a front facing camera. What’s the problem with them? While I personally love taking selfies and I have to constantly clear my phone’s photos because of the overwhelming number of them, I do not condone taking them during school. It backs up the hallways, and that is a big ol’ no-no, just like getting a big smooch on the cheek from the overbearing relatives we all have.

Secondly, do not walk through the halls with music blaring.  There is a difference between listening to music and going deaf. Listening is fun and enjoyable for all. Going deaf is obnoxious and nobody likes you for doing it. I do not want to hear what sounds like a pack of howler monkeys singing in the shower to outdated Backstreet Boys songs. It doesn’t make anyone seem any cooler than they already are.

And finally, let’s discuss the mindless worship of your iPad. The mindless worship can be: walking through the halls, not paying attention in class, not doing homework.

They are all problems that happen with this system. According to Secure Edge Networks,   using the iPads help classrooms, but that’s when used correctly. Do not use them to play Candy Crush or Vine random people in your class twerking or any of that nonsense. We all know this is what it’s going to end up looking like. Plus this could happen:

iPad’s were implemented to be helpful in class, yet they are seen as an excuse for technology in schools . So, as someone who as of yet does not have an iPad, I can safely provide unbiased counseling on this matter. I hope what I have said is taken into consideration and used because we all know it’s much needed.