Senior Profile: Drue Voorhees

For Drue Voorhees, KHS has been a place of unlikely friendships, change and a chance to spread her faith. Drue said she is a completely different person from who she was four years ago.

“[Freshman year] I was really obnoxious and thought I was really cool,” Drue said. “I was so focused on fitting in so I made a ton of friends I had nothing in common with. I don’t like freshman me. It all feels so fake now.”

Coming into KHS, Drue didn’t think much of the transition and rarely thought about the Christian faith she was brought up in. It wasn’t until sophomore year when life started to change in a big way for Drue.

“Sophomore year all [my] friends randomly stopped wanting to be friends with me,” Drue said. “After that my sister and I started watching sermons from the Passion conference and I just thought, ‘Wow, there’s a God who loves me and I don’t have to jump through hoops to please Him or pretend to be somebody I’m not’.”

Losing her close friends at KHS was difficult for Drue; however, looking back, it ended up being a blessing in disguise.

“[Losing my friends] was the best thing that could’ve happened to me. It made me alone and forced me to seek out Christ,” Drue said. “When He took everything away from me, He revealed himself because that was the only way I could see Him.”

Being a Christian in a public school has been tough for Drue at times, but she found that God has a purpose for her at KHS.

“At first when I became a Christian, I didn’t want to be at [KHS] but instead at Westminster with all the other Christians,” Drue said. “Then I realized that I’m here for a reason. I’m sure God has used me somehow in this place.”  

Her developing faith in Christ has brought Drue to many new people and places. She said the journey to finding God has changed her throughout high school into the person she is today.

“It’s so much easier to love people now. Even when they hurt me. It’s made each day a mission to go out and love people,” Drue said.