Precautions taken after social media threat to KHS


Coco LeGrand

On Sept. 1st, KHS principal Dr. Mike Havener sent an email to students and parents reporting an incident at KHS.

On Sept. 1st, KHS principal Dr. Mike Havener sent an email to students and parents reporting an incident at KHS. Dr. Havener said a threat was made on social media by a student, and the situation was handled by police. The police found the threat to not be credible according to Dr. Havener.   


“We take every threat seriously, but when the police [tell] us it seems to be okay, that eases the nerves a little bit.” Havener said. “However, we’ll have a [bigger] police presence on campus tomorrow, [even though] we don’t anticipate anything.” 


Havener said students should be more careful with what they say on social media, because even if it’s online, it will be taken seriously. He also stressed the importance of sharing suspicious things you see online or in-person with an adult, since they can’t monitor everything that happens on social media. 


“I don’t think any school would ever say we are 100% ready [for any emergency], because every situation is different.” Havener said. “But the more you discuss it, practice it [and] prepare for it. The better off you are going to be.”